
All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
downloadDocumentFile GET /files/{workspaceId}/documents/{documentId}/{version}/{iteration}/{fileName} Download document file
uploadDocumentFiles POST /files/{workspaceId}/documents/{documentId}/{version}/{iteration} Upload document file


File downloadDocumentFile(workspaceId, documentId, version, iteration, fileName, opts)

Download document file


var DocdokuPlmApi = require('docdoku-plm-api');

var apiInstance = new DocdokuPlmApi.DocumentBinaryApi();

var workspaceId = "workspaceId_example"; // String | Workspace id

var documentId = "documentId_example"; // String | Document master id

var version = "version_example"; // String | Workspace version

var iteration = 56; // Number | Document iteration

var fileName = "fileName_example"; // String | File name

var opts = { 
  'type': "type_example", // String | Type
  'output': "output_example", // String | Output
  'range': "range_example", // String | Range
  'uuid': "uuid_example", // String | Shared entity uuid
  'password': "password_example", // String | Password for private resource
  'token': "token_example" // String | Shared entity token

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
apiInstance.downloadDocumentFile(workspaceId, documentId, version, iteration, fileName, opts, callback);


Name Type Description Notes
workspaceId String Workspace id
documentId String Document master id
version String Workspace version
iteration Number Document iteration
fileName String File name
type String Type [optional]
output String Output [optional]
range String Range [optional]
uuid String Shared entity uuid [optional]
password String Password for private resource [optional]
token String Shared entity token [optional]

Return type



No authorization required

HTTP request headers


uploadDocumentFiles(workspaceId, documentId, version, iteration, upload)

Upload document file


var DocdokuPlmApi = require('docdoku-plm-api');
var defaultClient = DocdokuPlmApi.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure API key authorization: authorization
var authorization = defaultClient.authentications['authorization'];
authorization.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//authorization.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';

var apiInstance = new DocdokuPlmApi.DocumentBinaryApi();

var workspaceId = "workspaceId_example"; // String | Workspace id

var documentId = "documentId_example"; // String | Document master id

var version = "version_example"; // String | Workspace version

var iteration = 56; // Number | Document iteration

var upload = "/path/to/file.txt"; // File | 

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully.');
apiInstance.uploadDocumentFiles(workspaceId, documentId, version, iteration, upload, callback);


Name Type Description Notes
workspaceId String Workspace id
documentId String Document master id
version String Workspace version
iteration Number Document iteration
upload File

Return type

null (empty response body)



HTTP request headers